Statement on the Nomination of Merrick Garland by Ralph Reed

Below is a statement from Ralph Reed, Chairman of Faith & Freedom Coalition, on the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the United States Supreme Court.

“The void left by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death could shift the balance of the Supreme Court for a generation. We have waited since the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland by President Obama to review his record before publicly stating our views, and in spite of attempts by the White House to portray him as a centrist, Judge Merrick Garland has demonstrated a lack of respect for the Bill of Rights that gives us no confidence that he would defend the First Amendment right of people of faith to freedom of speech and religious expression.  Moreover, his reflexive deference to federal agencies in prior rulings and opinions reveals a disturbing disregard for Congressional intent and the separation of powers that is reckless and dangerous, especially with adjudication of the Obama administration’s abuse of executive power on a range of issues pending before the Supreme Court.  We strongly oppose Judge Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court.  We urge the U.S. Senate to await the final judgment of the American people rendered in the 2016 election before acting on any nomination to the highest court.  We will undertake a muscular and ambitious grassroots effort in the states of key U.S. Senators to defeat the Garland nomination and prevent President Obama from shifting the balance of the court for a generation.”

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