Press Release: Faith & Freedom Coalition Launches Voter Education Blitz in Wisconsin

Gary Marx |

Faith & Freedom Coalition Launches Voter Education Blitz in Wisconsin
Voter Guides, Phone Banks, Voter Mail, Door Knocks and Social Media Target Over 250,000 Faith-Based Voters


The Faith & Freedom Coalition this week has launched a voter education campaign in Wisconsin utilizing a sophisticated mix of 100,000 voter guides distributed in churches as well as “virtual voter guides” sent by email and text message, mail pieces, GOTV phone banks, over 25,000 door knocks, and social media.  The campaign will total over 600,000 voter contacts statewide and in key State Senate districts.  Evangelicals, faithful Roman Catholics, and Tea Party voters have been targeted to receive “virtual voter guides” via email and on their mobile phones with banner ads and text messages.

“We agree with the labor unions on one thing: the Wisconsin recall is a dry run for the fall presidential campaign,” said Ralph Reed, chairman of Faith & Freedom Coalition. “The attempt to recall Governor Scott Walker, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, and these state Senators is a power grab by public sector union bosses and attempts to reverse the outcome of a duly held election in Wisconsin.  We support Governor Walker’s common-sense reforms to deal with the budget deficit he inherited, and our campaign guarantees we will have a large faith-based and conservative vote on June 5.”

“We have fired up grassroots activists who will be turning out hundreds of thousands of conservative voters to the polls to vote early and make their voice heard,” said Tony Nasvik, chairman of Wisconsin Faith and Freedom Coalition. “Teams of door knockers start fanning out across the state this weekend and the voter education and activation won’t stop until Election Day as each and every single conservative and person of faith enters the voting booth.”

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a grassroots organization with over 500,000 members and over 30 state chapters committed to supporting the values of faith, hard work, family, personal responsibility, and helping the least among us.  FFC is dedicated to educating, equipping, and mobilizing people of faith and like-minded individuals to be effective citizens.  FFC members are working nationwide to pursue public policy goals that strengthen families, promote time-honored values, protect the dignity of life and marriage, lower the tax burden on small business and families, and require government to tighten its belt and live within its means.

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