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Faith & Freedom Coalition Celebrates Pro-Life Victory in Iowa

DULUTH, Ga. – The Faith & Freedom Coalition celebrates the recent pro-life victory in Iowa. On Monday, Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill requiring women considering an abortion to wait for 24 hours before proceeding. This is particularly encouraging news following the Supreme Court’s recent, disappointing decision to bar a Louisiana law banning doctors who lacked admitting privileges at a nearby hospitals from performing abortions.

“This victory goes to show just how committed today’s pro-life advocates are — not even a Supreme Court decision can deter them from fighting for life at the state level,” said Timothy Head, executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “We pray that legal challenges to this law will not prevail and that other pro-life leaders across the country will take inspiration from this remarkable victory.”

The Faith & Freedom Coalition works to promote the values of liberty at the state and federal levels. To learn more about the Faith & Freedom Coalition, visit

About the Faith & Freedom Coalition

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement of over 2 million conservatives and people of faith in support of time-honored values, stronger families, and individual freedom. Learn more about Faith & Freedom at


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