Faith & Freedom Coalition Supports President Trump’s Immigration Plan That Will Unite Families, Secure the Border, Uphold The Rule of Law, & Strengthen U.S. Economy

Washington, DC – Faith & Freedom Coalition formally announced its support for the comprehensive immigration reform package unveiled by President Donald J. Trump at the White House yesterday that would protect the nuclear family, strengthen our economy, and secure the U.S southern border.

“Faith & Freedom strongly supports President Trump’s proposal because it is pro-family, pro-jobs, and pro-growth. It will reunite families by reforming the Great Society-era immigration laws to give priority to the spouses and children of legal residents. They will now go to the front of the line. Over one million spouses and children are waiting in long lines around the world, and many will be unable to join their wives, husbands, and parents for up to ten years depending upon the country of origin. This is morally indefensible. The Trump plan will end the injustice of separating children from their mothers and fathers for years and strengthen marriage and the family,” said Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of Faith & Freedom. “The Trump plan also meets the needs of our growing economy by creating a merit-based system that rewards talent, educational attainment and job skills. This will increase wages, meet the critical labor needs of our 21st century economy, and open wide the door of entry to skilled workers.”

The administration proposal would end the replace the current broken and morally discredited immigration system with a pro-family policy that provides priority for the issuance of green cards for spouses and children of legal residents who have obeyed the law and played by the rules. Over one million children are currently waiting in lines around the world, awaiting the opportunity to join their mothers and fathers. The Trump plan would also effectively end the visa lottery program and replace it with a comprehensive merit-based admissions procedure, and close loopholes on visa overstay.

“The current system punishes families who legally come to the United States while rewarding those who break the law,” said Reed. “President Trump’s plan is a bold stroke that if enacted will strengthen the family and the U.S. economy. We urge Congress to put partisanship aside and act swiftly to pass this plan.”

This White House-backed plans aligns with the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s immigration reform principles, including strengthening, not undermining the nuclear family; promoting respect for the rule of law; meeting the needs of the U.S. economy, and securing the border and strictly enforcing the law.

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