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Sens. Marsha Blackburn & Josh Hawley Will Address Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” Policy Conference 2023

DULUTH, Ga. – The Faith & Freedom Coalition today announced Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Josh Hawley will speak at its 2023 Road to Majority Policy Conference, the largest public policy gathering of conservative and Christian activists in the nation.

Road to Majority will feature over 70 speakers and an estimated 3,000 attendees throughout the weekend. 

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn was elected to the Senate in 2018 and is currently serving her first term representing the state of Tennessee. Before her election to the Senate, Marsha represented Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District.

Marsha began her career in public service in 1995 when she was named executive director of the Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission. In 1998, she was elected to the Tennessee State Senate.

While serving in the Tennessee Senate, Marsha focused her efforts on fiscal responsibility and government accountability, leading a successful statewide grassroots campaign to defeat a proposed state income tax. It was the precursor to a 2014 amendment to the state constitution passed by the people of Tennessee to expressly prohibit a state income tax.

In 2002, Marsha was elected to represent the people of Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District based on her record in the state legislature. She fought for small, efficient federal government that is accountable to its citizens. As a Congressman, Marsha was often selected by her colleagues to lead the charge for principled conservatism. She chaired the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology and worked across the partisan aisle to defend songwriters’ and performers’ rights.

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley was raised in rural Missouri and previously served as Missouri’s Attorney General. There he served the people of Missouri in battling big government and big business, special interests, and organized crime.

As a constitutional lawyer, Josh has litigated at the Supreme Court of the United States, the U.S. Courts of Appeal, and in state court. He previously fought Obamacare at the Supreme Court — and won — as one of the lead attorneys in the landmark Hobby Lobby case. He was also a lead attorney in the Hosanna-Tabor case at the Supreme Court, protecting the rights of churches.

Since taking office, Josh has worked across the aisle to deliver protections for kids online, led the fight for direct payments to working people during the COVID-19 pandemic, and taken steps to crack down on predatory landlords. Josh has also rolled out proposals to protect American workers from foreign trade cheating, especially from China, and has been an advocate for ending the offshoring of jobs and boosting manufacturing in the United States.

Josh has taken on corporate special interests on behalf of American workers. He stood up to the abuses of Big Tech and Wall Street and has worked to rein in the power of these mega companies while championing innovation, entrepreneurship, and small businesses. Josh has also worked to keep our communities safe by confronting illegal immigration and challenging big opioid manufacturers and human traffickers – during his time as the attorney general of Missouri and in the U.S. Senate. He is committed to protecting Missourians’ First and Second Amendment rights.

Josh serves on the Senate Committees on the Judiciary, Energy, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Josh Hawley will join previously confirmed speakers President Donald J. Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis, Vice President Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, Jeanine Pirro, Todd Starnes, Kari Lake, and Benny Johnson. 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition’s 2023 Road to Majority Policy Conference will be held at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. on June 22-24. 

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About the Faith & Freedom Coalition

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement of over 2 million conservatives and people of faith in support of time-honored values, stronger families, and individual freedom. Learn more about Faith & Freedom at


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