Atheists Fight Business for Expressing Faith

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FRFF) is continuing its fight to stop private businesses from expressing their faith.  A small, family-owned pizza parlor in Arkansas, Bailey’s Pizza, is under fire for offering a 10% discount to customers who bring in their church bulletins on Sunday.  The FRFF sent the restaurant a warning letter once it heard of the discount, claiming that the discount was in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Steven Rose, the owner of the restaurant stated the the discount is not in violation since the discount is not specific to any church and is just one of many offered.  Despite the warning from the FRFF, Rose does not plan to stop offering the discount.  He stated that, “Short of a judges ruling there’s nothing that they’re going to say to me that makes me waver on what I believe.”

Contact Bailey’s Pizza and let them know you support their right to express their faith!

Call: (501) 268-3287

Mail: Bailey’s Pizza, 1100 E. Race Ave., Searcy, AR 72143

Click here for more information on this story.

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