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Faith & Freedom Coalition Applauds California Pastors for Plans to Reopen Churches

DULUTH, Ga. – The Faith & Freedom Coalition applauds the hundreds of California pastors who plan to reopen their churches on May 31. Although Governor Gavin Newsom has allowed certain businesses to reopen, he has not permitted churches to do so. The Justice Department, recognizing these unequal standards, has urged Newsom to place church reopenings in the second phase of his state reopening plan, bumping them up from the third phase where they currently stand.

“The Justice Department is spot on: California’s approach to reopening discriminates against religious organizations,” said Timothy Head, executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “To allow businesses to reopen but not allow houses of worship to welcome believers indicates seriously misplaced priorities and a poor understanding of our constitutional liberties. We celebrate the courage of California pastors and send them our thoughts and prayers as they work to reopen safely.” 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition works to promote the values of liberty at the state and federal levels. To learn more about the Faith & Freedom Coalition, visit

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The Faith and Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement of over 2 million conservatives and people of faith in support of time-honored values, stronger families, and individual freedom. Learn more about Faith & Freedom at


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